by | Mar 18, 2020 | Uncategorized

Guilt free Rest in the THRIVE Model is programmed for Sunday. It’s put after your heart day for a reason, because when we are putting extra heart or effort into a workout or something new, we often need a bit more rest & recovery after. Personally, I have learned the less stimulating my rest time is, the faster I recover. For some of us sitting in front of the TV or playing video games or going fishing for the day is enough to detach and rest. I can do that occasionally, but I find its a lot longer process in the grand scheme of things.

I’m also working on being as present as possible in each of these focused habits so I can get fully rested and recharged in a dark quiet room meditating for 4-6 hours as I can watching tv or “active resting” for 24-48 hours. Its a process to learn these things and that’s what we are doing when we are designing your own custom THRIVE cycle. It’s kind of like trying to find a better charger for the battery on your cordless drill or cell phone. Now I’m in search of the quickest rapid charger I can create. What once could only be completed in the course of a 3-10 day recovery cycle, I am getting down to half a day if done properly for me.

Don’t get me wrong though, there is still a time for the slow charger to do a more comprehensive restoration of my batteries, but those are fewer and further between plugging in that way as I learn to live within my condition and rest as needed long before its necessary, guilt free.

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