Time in the THRIVE Model

by | Mar 18, 2020 | Uncategorized

If you’re anything like me, we can all use more time in our day to do the things we want to do. Whether that’s time to go on a new fitness journey or spending more time with family, creating more time in your day is our first priority. Fortunately our first priority is stacked with one of our 4 pillars “Meals”. We focus on food, meals, ingredients and flavor, not macros. Lets forget about the vast amount of health benefits of IF for the time being and lets approach Intermittent Fasting (IF) from a time aspect for a moment.

You can choose whatever times, meals or schedule you want based on your lifestyle. I’m going to use the 16:8 method from 11am-7pm as an example. So, in this example you’d be eating all your calories from 11am -7pm. Don’t change what you’re eating right away, just focus on when. So straight out of the gate you will get 5-20 minutes back first thing in the morning and if you already don’t like to eat breakfast, this has the potential to create even more time, faster!

Skipping breakfast means skipping the dishes later too, the possible stomach ache that could slow you down, the worry about “did I leave the stove on?” and all the things that take up space in our daily thought patterns. When you commit to something new like skipping a meal regularly you learn there’s so many more benefits than just skipping the calories.

Things like:

Beginning to know if your hungry or bored. When you understand its boredom a lot of the times you stop reaching for all those snacks, stop trying to find a clean fork or spoon and the paper towels to wipe your hands clean before getting back to the keyboard.

No more randomly going to the fridge and forgetting what it was you were going for in the first place.

All these things take time out of our day and once we start to see how these little things affect the bigger picture, we do a quick evaluation of time spend vs outcome and often find a better use for that time.

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